Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thing #1

When I started in college way back in the day, little did I know it was just the beginning step to my lifelong learning. Taking this course and discovering a whole new Web 2.0 world is one of my personal efforts to continue as a lifelong learner.

I watched the video on 7 1/2 Habit's of Lifelong Learners and felt that the:

Most Challenging Habits for me would be:
#3 Viewing problems as challenges. I often view problems as one more pain to "deal with". I can see how viewing them as a challenges might lesson the stress and help me be a more effective problem solver.

#4 Having Confidence as an Effective Learner. I have often left learning situation feeling more confused than enlightened. I have been trying to build my confidence as a learner. Completing this course will bring me one more step closer to becoming a more confident learner.

The Easiest Habit's for me would be:
#2 Taking Responsibility for my Own Learning
#5 Creating a Toolbox (My principal rocks and has given us access to some of the latest and greatest in technology)
#Teaching and Mentoring others (I can't wait to share what I learned)

The Most Important Habit's for me would be:
#1 Beginning with the End in Mind. You have to have an idea about what you want to learn. Sometimes you get to choose and of course those are the best learning experiences but the rest can be rewarding as well. But I feel you must have an idea of what you want to take from any learning experience before you begin. In teaching, I feel that you must begin with the end in mind. What do I want my students to know and then figure out the very best way to teach them.
#6 Use Technology to Your Advantage. I could have put this in this area and in the "Most Challenging" section. There is so much technology available and it can make learning so much more effective and fun.
# 7 1/2 PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey! Look at me! I'm a Blogger. Who would have guessed!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Angela. I can hardly believe myself that back when I first started teaching in Mesquite, we didn't even have e mail, much less kids using Wikis and Blogs. Enjoy!
