Monday, June 22, 2009

Thing #7

I have so enjoyed reading the blogs of my colleagues. I work with several of them and have so much respect for them. Reading their blogs and others give me insight into what is on their minds. I have gone to some of their blogs to get some ideas for new feeds to add to my reader as well as different gadgets they have added. I added the letter of my name to the bottom of my blog because I saw that Halms had it at the top of hers and thought it looked cool. Then when I did the Flickr thing I learned how to do it and went for it. I haven't gotten any comments back on my blogs yet but I am hoping to get some soon. It would really motivate me to continue blogging in the future (after this course). I wonder if I set up a blog for my parents if they would blog me back or not. I am Co-teaching next year and my co-teacher is taking this class as well (Hi! Dayla). I am 100% sure we will give it a shot!


  1. Well, why don't I leave your first comment. I agree, coming back to your Blog and finding new "comments" is what motivated me to keep going.

  2. It is nice to get comments and feedback. I've not had many on my blog either. It was exciting to read you are Co-Teaching next year. Have you co-taught before? I've been involved in the program for 3 years now. It is a beneficial teaching strategy for students as well as teachers.

    BTW... I love how you avatar reflects you. :)

  3. At first I really didn't think much about getting comments, but when I got my first comment I got all excited lol. I want to blog after this too but I hope that I'm able to come up with stuff to write about after this is over. I think I'm going to keep the one we made for this class for teacher/class topics and open a new one just for my everyday life. Anyways I enjoyed reading your blogs, you are off to a good start! Can't wait to use everything we are learning back at Floyd!
