Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thing #4

This blog was from a third grade teacher in Seattle who has begun allowing his students to read blogs during their SSR time. It seems like a great new literacy outlet for the students. I would think it would motivate them to read more when they are reading what their friends wrote. It wasn't part of the teacher's SSR time but what a great way for them to do more writing as well.

This blog reads like a news article. A news article meant to scare me to death I think. It does make you think about your own behavior. It is your responsibility to have control over your actions. Not just because someone may be watching but because it is the right and moral thing to do. I try, but it doesn't always work out and I would hate to think of my opps being broadcast to the world.

After reading this blog I felt the author wants to contribute to the educational environment by making some strong suggestions for where we should be heading in the future of using technology to teach our kids.

I just have to say, "How cool". What great voices! I just love hearing how students feel and are thinking in such an articulate way.

Cute, cute, cute! But I think what would be even neater is if the actually papers the kids wrote were scanned and put in there. I think that can be done right? I'm going to try it this upcoming year

1 comment:

  1. Great idea, Angela. I enjoy reading your blog. This blog was my favorite from the ones I chose to read. It is getting reluctant readers to read without even knowing. Yay!
